Shortarmguy’s Favorite Videos 2007 Q2

Typical Texas Traffic Stop

Greatest McDonalds Ad Ever!

Now that’s a Fire!

Why Lex was kicked out of the band…

First Blind Date

Attack of the Crabs

The Kite Surfer!

Airplane Pillows

If you don’t want him, than neither do I!

The Swear Jar

Why it’s dangerous to scare people.

Life Sucks

The Power of Imagination

Safe Sex Airlines

The Joy of Sleep

The New Guy

Never Be Late For Class Again

Funny Old People

Shortarmguy — Let’s Go Crazy!

You’re in trouble now!

Eyesight Problem

An Amazing Mother

Extreme Snowboarding

Shoot then Run

Hot Dance Duo


Bathroom Fun

Strip Poker

Best Arm Wrestling Technique

Deadly Handsome Men

A Much Happier Squirrel Video

Walk it out, Grandma!

The Rapture

This one is powerful

 The Beer Launcher

The Naughty Nun

You Go, Girl!

Hold this, please.

Now that’s a smart dog!

Songs for TV Commercials

For those of you looking for the Squirrelapault video I had originally posted on this week’s update, I wanted to let you know I’ve removed it after receiving some complaints.   I certainly don’t condone cruelty to animals and posted it in a momentary lapse of judgment.    As regular readers of my website know, I’m a huge fan of squirrels and often write about the group of albino squirrels that visits my family on a regular basis.  Although my initial reaction in seeing a squirrel being launched across someone’s backyard was that of laughter, I must agree it probably wasn’t real funny for the squirrel involved.  My apologies to the squirrels and to their kind hearted defenders.

Please enjoy this new video I posted instead titled:

Why men love Ballet Class!

How real men fish.

Officer Underpants

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