Favorite Video of the Week – December 19,2004 Why It Might Not Be A Good Idea To Write To Santa Claus
Favorite Video of the Week 2-December 19,2004 Cops, The Christmas Special
Favorite Video of the Week -November 28, 2004
KELO News In Sioux Falls, South Dakota portrays Shortarmguy as an “Irate Shopper” after he just missed getting a blow-out deal on a portable DVD Player at Target the day after Thanksgiving.
The original news show can be found by clicking here. The Shortarmguy part of the story is approximately three minutes into the show. This newscast will only be hosted on KELO’s site until Friday, December 3rd, 2004 than a new program will appear on this link.
The Complete Crippled Comedy Classics
This is a 10 minute video highlighting some of Shortarmguy’s Comedy Career.
It starts off pretty lame, but I think it picks up steam towards the middle.
It’s a 10 MB file, so it will take a little time to download!
Testing the new Armed Forces barriers
Read the information first before viewing the film
From time to time, someone asks me what the concrete barriers are in front of controlled and secure buildings. When I tell them that the barriers will stop traffic, even trucks, from approaching the secure building I usually get a look of disbelief. I’ve been looking for some footage like this to prove my point. In this test, the following parameters were used. Read them and then watch the film.
Truck = 65,000 lbs. Speed = 50 mph Kinetic Energy = 5.5 MILLION ft. lbs. Stopped in 24 INCHES!
Special Mid-Week Update!Video is too hot to wait for the weekend!! Britney, Beyonce, and Pink dressed up as sexy gladiators singing a Pepsi commercial!!! Kory Madson sent it to me from a site called Flabber.NL. The site is written in another language so I have no idea what the hell they’re saying, but if they host videos like this one…..I’m guessing they’re saying some pretty cool stuff! (I couldn’t figure out how to directly link to the video, but just scroll down on the page and you’ll find it!)