Links 2006

Favorite Links

I will put a new site on this page each week.  This will be a site that either made me laugh my butt off, twisted my mind, or inspired me in some way.  If I can’t find a site like this each week, the link will probably lead to a bunch of naked chicks!!


December 31, 2006

Elf Yourself — Make an Elf out of yourself or someone you love (or hate)!  This is a sample I made using Miss Sheri’s face…


Special Present — If you just can’t think of the right gift for that special someone, this should do the trick!


Christmas Videos — Watch 101 Classic Christmas Videos online for free!


Perspective — If you ever want to feel really small, watch this video comparing our planet to other objects in the universe!


Dwarf Fight — Quoting my friend Sean:  “This kicks so much ass I’m speechless…..” 

December 24, 2006


CRN — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, is quoted in this week’s CRN on Multicore Processors.


Christmas Story Recut — I don’t remember this movie being so scary!!


Nuckin’ Futs — Jibjab’s Year In Review


These Glutes Are Made For Walin’ — This song has never sounded so good!


Criminal — How not to rob a liquor store!


December 17, 2006


CRN —- Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego is quoted about AMD’s release of their new breed of Athlon 64 X2 processors.


Scary Movie — I never knew how freaky the movie Mary Poppins could be!


Flurry FuryRob Kamphausen’s new game he lovingly refers to as “Balltoucher”!


Santa Loses It! —- There’s video cameras everywhere.  It’s amazing how many scandals keep arising like this.


Drugs — The pharmaceutical companies have an answer to everyone problem!



December 10, 2006


Boozied — Danny Devito all boozed up on the View.


Next — Michael Crichton’s new book is out and I can’t to get my hands on it!!


13 Things That Don’t Make Sense — Exploring some of the universe’s mysteries.


December 3, 2006


Kramer’s Racist Rant —  In case you’ve lived in a cave and haven’t seen Michael Richards lose it, here’s a version with the Seinfeld music in the background. — Shortarmguy’s Black Friday Video was featured on and was on the front page most of the day on Friday!


Youtube — This is the Black Friday video which was viewed about 40,000 times in just a couple of days!


Penguin — This is a pretty smart bird!!


November 26, 2006



Intel Quad Cores — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in 3 different publications this week regarding Intel’s release of their new Quad Core computer processor.  He was quoted in CRN,, and Tech Target!


Yahoo Talent Show —- I submitted one of my comedy videos to the new Yahoo! online talent search.  We’ll see if it goes anywhere…


Parking Perfection — This is a fun little game and could be a replacement for Driver’s Ed!


This Day In Music — What song was Number 1 the day you were born?  Mine was The Carpenter’s “Close To You”!



November 19, 2006


Cel Phone Tracking — Try this when you get a chance….it will track any cell phone in the world to within 10 meters.  “Big Brother” is watching!


Drug Bust In Minnesota — I’m guessing there were some pretty wild parties at this house!


Spiderman 3 — This movie sure looks pretty cool!


Aries Spears Rap — This guy is like the Sybil of rap music!


Office Space Recut — I never realized how scary this movie was!!


November 12, 2006


CRN Article — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, comments about Microsoft’s new Linux strategy.


Anime — Odd.  Yet Strangely Hypnotic!


Deal or No Deal — My boys just love watching and playing this game!


Evan Almighty — This movie looks pretty dang funny!


Joey’s Crash — Learning to drive a stick shift is tough!


Drumming Prodigy — This kid can play!!


November 5, 2006



CRN Quotes — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in this week’s CRN article on AMD and this week’s CRN article on Intel.


Jingle Bells in Reverse — Warning!  This is pretty creepy!

YouTube — A Video History of YouTube.



October 29, 2006


Denny Green Tirade — Vikings fans sure miss having Denny as our coach!


Dove Evolution — They say that beauty is only skin deep!


Extra Income — 40+ Ways To Earn Income on the Internet


Halloween Hangman — Fun game.  It didn’t scare me the couple times I played, but I keep thinking it’s a set-up.


PCWorld — A Brief History Of Computers


Ethan Albert — The worst rated player in Madden 2007 strikes back!


David Blaine — Best street magic performance ever!



October 21, 2006


Crank Answer —- Best method I’ve ever heard to deal with a tele-marketer!


Shell Game — Turtle Rape caught on tape!


Albright Ad — David Zucker goes after the democrats!


Freetube — This site gives you access to all sorts of TV channels streaming live to you for free! I notice they don’t call it Legaltube!


How many of me? — Guess how many people in the US share your name.


October 14, 2006


Seagate — Shortarmguy’s alter ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in this article about Seagate’s channel strategy.


Alternative Energy — The car of the future!


Fly Guy — Luke and Avery have been just loving this game!


Hairy Back — Justin Timberlake has nothing on this guy!!


Countdown — Just in case you were wondering…


The Mel Game — Do you think you can drive better than Mel?



October 8, 2006


Fast Times at Hero High — I gotta see this movie!


Indian Kid Krumping — This looks just like my house when I was growing up


Friday Night Lights — Now this is a great trick play!


The smooch — Man kisses wild shark.  Gets bit in the face.  Smooth move.


Suburbanites Sans Bookends — This is one crazy hood!


October 1, 2006


Clicker — This is really amazing.  This blind boy had figured out how to navigate the world using sound echoes the same way dolphins do.  Watch the video here to blow your mind!


Crocodile Daughter — Bindi Sue speaks at her dad’s memorial service.  Quite touching!


Virtual Drums — Get your virtual guitars and we can jam together!


Pandora — Enter a song you like and this will site will create a custom radio station for you!


Urban Ninja — I can do this.  Just don’t feel like it.


All Simpsons — Not sure how long this will stay live.  But you can access 18 seasons worth of The Simpsons right here!


September 24, 2006


Microsoft Search — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, gets quoted in this week’s CRN about search engines.


New 911 Footage — Apparently, the family that took this video just released on 9/11/06.  It’s pretty disturbing!


OK GO — I’ve never had even close to this much fun on a treadmill!


New Numa — The return of Gary Brolsma!


Star Wars Auditions — Christopher Walken would have been a great Han Solo!


September 17, 2006


Cool Test — This test is really accurate and doesn’t take much time either.  It’s based on how cool you were in High School and what crowd you ran with, etc., but it’s still pretty accurate by today’s standards.   You may want to send it to your friends to see if  they’ve changed.   ARE YOU STILL A COOL PERSON? (Click on the Cool Test link to find out)


Weatherman Vs Cockroach — So much scarier than reporting a hurricane on the way.


Ball Buster — Every family has to have one of these!


Ball Buster #2 — Say this tongue twister right or else!!


Top 10 Jack Ass Skits — So much pain, so little time!


September 10, 2006


Family Feud — Richard Dawson loses it!


Emmys — Is there anyone funnier than Jon Stewart and his former Daily Show comrades?  Also, check out Steve Carell in Conan’s opening skit here.


Giant Mako Caught With Fly Rod— I can’t imagine catching a fish like this!  How the heck would you remove the hook from it’s mouth?


Loose Tire — Try this another 1000 times and I’ll bet you still can’t repeat it!


Weeds — (Naughty Content Warning!)  Excellent lessons on how to masturbate.


September 3, 2006


Are you Ready? — This video is pretty powerful!


Fantasy Draft — Reggie Bush crushes his friends in Fantasy Football!


Microwave — I never knew it would be so much fun to put a lit match in a jar in a microwave!  Kids, don’t try this at home!


Ice Ice Baby — Vanilla Jim Carrey


Crispin Glover on Letterman — I’m not sure why people think he was on drugs for this interview…

August 27, 2006


Kelly Clarkson is Hammered— (Naughty Language Warning)  But she looks like she’s having a darn good time!


Photo Fraud In Lebanon — How does the media continue to get away with stuff like this?


Superficial Friends— (Naughty Content Warning) If only these ladies would unite and save the earth!


Greaser Babies — Nothing like rocking out with babies!


August 20, 2006


Chad Vader — And you thought your co-workers were crazy?


Bump Keying — The reason why every lock you own is worthless!


Ari Gold — Highlights from the best show on HBO!


Stuck — Worst Music Videos of the 80’s

August 13, 2006


Free Movies — This site links to all sorts of free movies from around the internet.  Check out Freaks! — Hot celebrity gossip site that’s broken a lot of big stories lately, including the latest Mel Gibson rampage.


MTV’s First Hour — is now hosting their first hour of broadcast on their website.


9 months of pregnancy — What an odd use of time lapse photography.

August 6, 2006


CRN — Shortarmguy’s Alter EGO, Todd Swank, was quoted in three different technology articles this week.  Click here, here and here!


Hammerhead Attacks A Tarpon — The people on the boat are so calm!  I’d be freaking out if this was happening below me!


The Ultimate Showdown — This song is awfully catchy…(Click Watch This Movie)


Tony Bonsante  — I wrote about Shakopee Boxer, Tony Bonsante, a few weeks ago.  This article gives an update on his life.


July 30, 2006


CRN — Shortarmguy’s Alter EGO, Todd Swank, was quoted in two different technology articles this week.  Click here and here!


The Office — Brand new webisodes posted every Thursday!  Also Check out Shortarmguy and The Dude’s Tribute to Television’s Funniest Show!


Duct Tape — Shortarmguy Stalker Steve “CUDS” Cuddihy’s new Twin Cities Photo Site shows off an entry in the Minnesota Duct Tape Competition!


Atlanta Water Park Tour— Rollerblading at a closed water park sure looks like fun!


Sam Kinison — A Classic bit from a classic Comedian!

July 23, 2006


CRN Chip War — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in this week’s CRN regarding the potential price war brewing between AMD and Intel.


Quick Change Artists — I just don’t get how they do this one.


Dave Chapelle Tours The Internet — Sure wish this guy wouldn’t have ended his show prematurely!


Light Side Up — This is a pretty clever prank!

July 16, 2006


Bianca Ryan — This girl is only 11 years old and man can she sing!


How To Make Smoke — Oh, what fun it is to throw liquid nitrogen into a swimming pool!!!


720 Dunk — LeBron James, Watch Your Back!


Rocky Balboa — Wow, does this look like a bad movie!


July 9, 2006


Fireworks — Happy 4th of July!!!


Voyageur Virtual Tour — The Dude finished the Voyageur PC video this week and it’s live on!


Taken — Make sure to turn up your speakers for this one!


Sunday Bloody Sunday — I never knew that George Bush was such a big U2 fan!


July 2, 2006


Pump It — The Black Eyed Peas Meet The Chipmunks


The Devil Wears Prada  —  I know it’s going to be a chick movie, but I’m really excited to see it!


IPOD Introduction — Steve Jobs talks about how his company is going to be the market leader in digital music.  Oh, how I wish I’d invested in Apple after this speech!!


How To Dance Like A White Guy —  Not sure why anyone would want to learn!


June 25, 2006


Name’s The Thing — The Minneapolis St Paul Business Journal wrote a really nice article about Dr. Bollig and Nor-tech.

Microsoft Quotes — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, was recently interviewed about Bill Gates announcing his 2008 retirement from Microsoft.  He was quoted in not 1, not 2, but 3 different articles!!


Lionfest — Attention, Clear Lake Lions!  Classes 1978 -1985 should be prepared for a big party on Saturday, July 1st!


Happy Mornings — I wish coffee really did this for me!


Headbanger — And this guy was caught driving!


June 18, 2006


Rollin With Bob Saget — First a cameo on Entourage and now this rap video from Jamie Kennedy.  I’m really starting to gain a new respect for Bob Saget!


Pepsi Girl — The Dangers of mixing Pepsi and Mentos!


Mexican Tourism — Wow!  This looks like a great place to visit!


Sharks In Minnesota! — I always knew I should be afraid of sharks when swimming in lakes and rivers!


80’s Music Videos — “Come On, Eileen” is the first music video I can ever remember seeing.  There’s about a thousand more videos from that era linked on this site!


June 11, 2006


Baby Born With Three Arms — C’Mon, Kid!  Share the wealth!


I Believe I Can Fly — I’m sure it wasn’t nearly as funny for the people involved.


GoogleHeads — Now this looks like a fun family!


June 4, 2006


Nor-tech — CRN named Nor-tech the second largest custom system builder in the country!  Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego. Todd Swank, was also quoted in this article about Seagate’s acquisition of Maxtor.  Pretty exciting stuff!


5 inventions we still need — This is a fun read for those interested in potential revolutionary technologies!  And who isn’t?


Will Ferrell Bloopers — How can there not be anything from Bewitched on here?



May 29, 2006


CRN Articles — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego was quoted in CRN two times this week!  First, in this article about Microsoft Executive, Margo Day Next, he was requested to comment on DELL’s announcement that they would start selling servers based on the AMD Opteron Processor and talked some smack about DELL.


Loose Change — This 911 conspiracy video has been revised and released again as the second edition.  It’s two hours long now!!  There’s some pretty wild claims here, but some people must be believing them because the government just released additional footage of the pentagon attack.


Private Eye — It’s a little scary just how much information there is available about us on the internet!


May 21, 2006


Under The Blue Light Again — Tom D’Amato is one of my dad’s oldest friends from his days working as a KMart Manager.  Tom started this website dedicated to the good old days of what was once one of the finest retail institutions in the country.  Not sure it would be interesting for anyone who isn’t familiar with the name Kresge’s, but maybe there’s some ex-Kmart people that visit this site who will find it interesting.


Voyageur PC — This week is the launch of Nor-tech’s huge branding campaign for Voyageur PC.  We’re rolling out this re-designed website at the same time.


Zillow — Ever wonder what your neighbor’s house is worth?


Evolution Of Dance — This is a popular video!  Makes me feel like Dancin’!


Drunk Pilots — I’m sure everyone in the airport felt good about seeing this!


May 14, 2006


ABC.COM — Watch the latest episode of Lost online complete and uncut!  I think this is so cool!!


Best Buy Prank — Now these are some fun people to hang around!!


Real Life Frogger — Yeah, this was a smart thing to do!


May 7, 2006


Fishing in Afghanistan — I’m guessing we couldn’t get away with this in Minnesota.


National Gas Prices — This shows gas prices by city everywhere in the country.  I’m seriously thinking about driving to Wyoming every week to buy my gas.  That would save me a lot of money.


Email Female — The Joys of Cyber Dating


April 30, 2006


DELL Resumes Price Cuts — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, comments on the bloodbath pricing battle currently going on in the notebook computer market.


Iowa City Tornado — Shortarmguy’s friends Ron & Kristi Myers live in Iowa City.  They sent this link showing a bunch of pictures of the tornado damage that occurred last week.


The Balloon Prank — This guy really needs to learn to take a joke!


Bowman’s Poker — (Nudity Warning!)  This is one of the best strip poker games I’ve ever seen on the net!  She’s a pretty good bluffer!


President Beavis — I really miss these guys!


April 21, 2006


The Easter Bunny Hates You — This doesn’t really get me in the holiday spirit


George W Falling — This is guaranteed to bring you hours of fun!


Icon Wars — What your computer does at night!


Titanic Sequel — I can’t wait to see this movie!!


Former Idols — Whatever happened to?


April 13, 2006


Microsoft Storage Server — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, is quoted in this week’s CRN.  Not a particularly exciting quote, but it’s there none the less!


Madonna on Letterman — A classic clip of Madonna speaking like a truck driver on the Letterman show.


What’s Behind A Smily Face? — The Answer May Surprise You!


The Art Of Motion — Fun with stop-motion photography!


April 9, 2006


Short Arm, Big Heart — Don Surber wrote this nice post about me!!  It makes me blush just thinking about it!


My Space  — Somebody recently told me to set up a site at MySpace, but it’s been a week and I still have no friends! 🙁


Lost Boards — I am hooked on Lost!  This message board helps me figure out what’s going on!!


April 2, 2006


Dogbomb— Dogbomb is a website based in the UK with over 10000 members.  They recently asked me if I’d willing to be interviewed for their site and proceeded to have their members come with questions to ask me.  Here’s the results.  They actually tried to do this back in 2003 and I thought the members had some really interesting questions as can be seen here.  Oddly enough, they never actually contacted me again to do the interview, but it was interesting reading what might have been!


CRN Articles — Shortarmguy’s alter ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in 2 articles in this week’s CRN.  The first was about the delay of Microsoft’s Vista operating system and can be read here.  The second was a different article about Microsoft and can be read here.


Carolina Couple  (Naughty Link Alert) — This fun couple says is one of their favorite sites!


 Technology — How A Computer Works!


Golf GT — Now that’s a strong fly!


March 26, 2006


BallToucher — A fun new game from Rob Kamphausen.  Good Stuff!


The Streaking Game —- Ever have the desire to be a streaker?  Now you can find out how fun it is!


911 Conspiracy Video — This is an hour long Google video dedicated to a 911 conspiracy theory.  I always find this stuff fascinating.  It would be interesting to see a rebuttal video because this guy brings up some wild accusations!  As my wife points out to me, though, if there was any credibility here, wouldn’t the democrats be screaming about it?  There’s no way they’d be covering up for Bush.


Faith The Bi-Ped Dog — Now this is a dog I can relate to!


AOL In2TV — Complete Episodes of Vintage TV Shows!  Alice, Wonder Woman, Eight is Enough, Welcome Back Kotter!  Hours of mindless entertainment!


March 19, 2006


Star Wars Holiday Special — This came out in the seventies.  I’m really surprised it’s not considered a Christmas Classic!


Disneyland 1956 — Visit the Disney Land from 50 years ago!


Extreme Survival Quiz — I ended up alive, but severely maimed.  I already was kind of maimed before I even took the quiz!


Home Values — Everybody sees your house differently!



March 12, 2006


CRN & Digital Connect Articles — Shortarmguy’s alter ego, Todd Swank,  was quoted in this CRN cover story discussing Intel notebooks and helped Nor-tech develop an Intel VIIV Technology for this review in Digital Connect Magazine.


New Bra for safety — (Nudity Warning!) This site showcases the dangers of going braless or wearing a regular bra while exercising. It features some of the best boob animation I’ve ever seen!



Condi Rice Work-Out — A video of Condoleezza Rice working out!  I’m inspired to lose a few pounds!!



Chinese New Year — It’s Triumph’s Year!


March 3, 2006


CRN Article — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego Todd Swank is quoted in this article about the channel’s adoption of serial ATA Hard Drives.


Cheney’s Got A Gun  —- Ahhhh, how fun it must be to make cartoon’s for a living!


Lazy Muncie — The Midwest’s Response to Lazy Sunday and Lazy Monday!


That’s Gay — (Naughty Language Warning) — In case you want to know what’s Gay.


Virtual Girlfriend — Now this is fun…


February 26, 2006


Brokeback Spoofs — Another day, another Brokeback Mountain parody video.  This site compiles a pretty good list of many of the best.  I like Brokeback Forrest Gump and Brokeback Island!


 Talladega Nights — Will Ferrell as a Nascar Driver.  Looks pretty funny!


Dick Cheney Gun Club — I wonder how that poor guy who was shot in the face feels since nearly everyone in the country is making jokes about his situation? 


February 19, 2006


NBC Olympics — Everything you want to know about when your favorite Olympics event will be on TV.


SNL Bits — A collection of funny moments from Saturday Night Live.


Mitch Hedberg Video Gallery — A tribute page to a great comedian!


Marie Antoinette — Kirsten Dunst saying “Let them Eat Cake!”  Ought to be interesting!


February 12, 2006



City of Ruins — The Dude, from Shortarmguy and The Dude Show, recently spent a week in New Orleans helping some people clean up their homes.  Check out the incredible video he made highlighting the trip.


Reefer Madness — This is an excellent movie warning about the dangers of marijuana. 


Yahoo Video — Do a search on Yahoo Video for the phrase “Classic Comedy”.  Check out who’s in one of the top positions!  This search engine really knows what it’s talking about!


Video of Bull Jumping into the Crowd — One of the main reasons you don’t want to sit in the front row at a Bullfight!


February 5, 2006


Personal Identity — It looks like a college student in Canada is writing a paper about me.  I’m guessing she gets an A+ because the topic is so fascinating!!


Sleepless In Seattle — I never knew this movie was so intense!


Honda Choir — This is what a Honda feels like?


January 29, 2006


Wisconsin Quarters — Check your Wisconsin quarters.  One of them may make you rich!


Million Dollar Home Page — This guy made a million bucks by selling ad space on his homepage.  He had a million pixels that he sold for $1 a piece.  How come I can’t be that smart?


Dwight Schrute’s Lost Blog — NBC’s The Office favorite Suckup reviews ABC’s Lost.  It’s pretty funny!


Ski Dubai — I want to go to Dubai!  They seem to have all the really cool stuff!


New Trunk Monkey VideosThe Pediatric Edition and The Chaperone Edition


January 22, 2006


Survivor 12 — Introducing the cast of Survivor Panama Exile Island.  Can they make the show exciting again or will it continue to be a predictable repeat of a previous season?


Motivational Poster — You know those awe inspiring Motivational posters you can buy at Successories?  Well, someone has created a website giving you the ability to create your own!  Fun possibilities abound!


Guy Kawasaki Blog — If you like to read about business and entrepreneurship, you’ll enjoy Guy’s Blog.

Hmm. We’re having trouble finding that site.

We can’t connect to the server at

If that address is correct, here are three other things you can try:

January 15, 2006


CRN Quotes — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, was quoted in 2 different articles in this week’s Computer Reseller News Magazine.  One about Intel’s new Mobile Technology Offering and one about the upcoming release of Microsoft’s new operating system called Vista.  Exciting stuff!


Crazy Skiing Accident — This had to be just a little freaky!!


Lottery Winner — Want to know what it feels like to win the lottery?


Box dodging — This is a fun little game…


January 8, 2006

Happy New Year! — Terrorizing a bear is the best way to start the New Year!

Pimp Yo Nutcracker — The hottest trend for next Christmas!

Window Washer Nightmare — Officially the scariest job of 2005.

IFILM Best of the Year — The Top 25 Viral Videos of 2005

Link to 2007 Favorite Links

Q1  Q2  Q3 Q4

Link to 2006 Favorite Links

Link to 2005 Favorite Links

Link to 2004 Favorite Links

Link to 2003 Favorite Links

Link to 2002 Favorite Links

Link to 2001 Favorite Links

I will put a new site on this page each week.  This will be a site that either made me laugh my butt off, twisted my mind, or inspired me in some way.  If I can’t find a site like this each week, the link will probably lead to a bunch of naked chicks!!