Shortarmguy's Favorite Websites
March 30, 2008
I Guess You’ll Do!
I was quoted in CRN 3 different times this week!
In this article about Sony charging customers $50 to remove “Bloatware” from their systems:
Todd Swank, vice president of marketing at Northern Computer Technologies, a Burnsville, Minn.-based custom system builder, said he sees manufacturers who all the time ask his companies to add bloatware. “It must be effective,” he said. “Manufacturers pay to put it in there.”
Some vendors are way out of control with bloatware, Swank said. “They like the revenue opportunities,” he said. “But they don’t care about the user experience. It doesn’t show up on the bottom line.”
But for custom system builders, bloatware is a welcomed “feature” on name brand systems, Swank said. “One thing that differentiates systems builders is that we don’t load it,” he said.
In this article about DELL providing new Vista assessment tools to their customers:
Todd Swank, vice president of marketing at Nor-Tech, Burnsville, Minn., says Dell’s toolset is a reflection of the fact that larger companies are ready to migrate to Vista. “We’ve done internal assessments on migrating, and the fact that Dell is now offering tools and services indicates that larger businesses are taking a serious look at Vista,” he said.
“Microsoft is really getting behind having larger commercial accounts switch to Vista,” Swank said. “The transition in itself can be painful for some organizations, but once they’re up and running with Vista, they’re pretty happy.”
In this article about best selling monitors in the computer reseller channel:
In the cutthroat world of desktop display sales, margins for vendors and resellers are squeezed as vendors battle to provide the best features at the most aggressive price points. Todd Swank, director of marketing at Burnsville, Minn.-based system builder and solution provider Nor-Tech, bets onView- Sonic and NEC Display Solutions.
“They tend to really look at the overall market and help the channel find new opportunities,” Swank said. “That’s important [as] we really have to separate ourselves because the bigger players have the volume to compete in price structure.”
March 23, 2008
“So many people have been bashing Vista, and a lot of business customers have been waiting for Vista SP1 to get sign-off on upgrading, SP1 is the blessing from Microsoft that they’ve been waiting for, and a sign that they’ve worked the initial bugs out and that Vista is now ready for prime time.”
Todd Swank, CRN March 17, 2008
Let It Be, Hillary!
March 17, 2008
99 Words for Boobs — I only knew about 40 or so of these!
Google Sky — See if you can find the aliens!
Nike — Their Better is Better than my Better!
Miley Cyrus – See You Again
March 9, 2008
Falling Hillary — This is oddly comforting.
For the three of you on the planet who haven’t been following the Matt Damon/Jimmy Kimmel Feud, these videos are hilarious!
Matt Damon gets cut from appearing on the show.
Kimmel’s Girlfriend is F**King Matt Damon!
Kimmel Gets Payback by F**King Ben Affleck!
I’m not sure what she is saying….but this is a good one….try it!!
(SKIP YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS .. 3rd and 4th lines)
March 2, 2008
World’s Largest Snow Woman — That’s One Tall Cold Lady!
This Turkey is in Charge!
Paula Abdul – Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow
Paula Abdul – Dance Like There’s No Tomorrow
This is a pretty cool test, check it out.
This test is based on how cool you were in High School–what crowd you ran with, etc., it’s pretty accurate.
You may want to send it to your friends to see if they’ve changed.
February 24, 2008
My Cousin Terri’s Husband
Ronnie Lee White 07/09/1957 – 02/05/2008
Animator Vs Animation —- I’m guessing this took some time to put together!
Frozen in Grand Central Station — This looks like a fun prank!
Crash Test Dummies- MMM MMM MMM MMM
Bird Poops In Mouth
Valentine’s Day Proposal Goes Very Wrong!
Valentines Day Proposal Goes Wrong – Watch more free videos
February 17, 2008
“For NEC specifically they’re not going to be the best price, but there’s a customer base that demands it because they’re known as the crème de la crème of high quality monitors,” says Todd Swank, director of marketing for Burnsville, Minn.-based system builder and solution provider Nor-Tech.
Todd Swank, CRN, 2/15/08
Indiana Jones — The first trailer for the new Indiana Jones movie is out and it does look cool! “Damn! I thought that was closer!”
If I Die Before You Wake — Three soldiers wrote the song and put this together in their ‘free time’ over there. The Singer needs a Recording Contract when He comes Home!
Head Over Heels – Go-Go’s
February 10, 2008
“It’s tough to position AMD against Intel right now,” says Todd Swank, director of marketing at Nor-Tech, which sells branded and white-box PCs to resellers. “Intel really came back with a phenomenal road map and a phenomenal lineup of products.”
Todd Swank, , February 8, 2008
“Server 2008 will bring to life functions and features of Vista that have been hidden somewhat in 2003 environments,” says Todd Swank, director of marketing for system builder and solution provider Nor-Tech, Burnsville, Minn. “And that’s when a lot of businesses are going to begin making the transition.”
Todd Swank, CRN.COM , February 8, 2008
Super Commercials — All of the 2008 Super Bowl Commercials in one place.
KnickerPicker — If we’d had stuff like this when I was a kid, I would have never left the house!
Sarah Silverman “I’m F*cking Matt Damon” on Jimmy Kimmel
February 4, 2008
Miami Ink’s Chris Nunez on MTV Canada
Says Season 4 will begin in June.
Will Shortarmguy’s story make the cut?
Patrick Patterson Eating Booger
Where in Iowa is Jeff?
Glengarry Glen Ross — Alec Baldwin’s Motivational Speech
January 27, 2008
CRN — Shortarmguy’s Alter Ego, Todd Swank, is quoted in this week’s CRN Magazine discussing Microsoft Windows Vista.
World Golf Tour — There was an article in Fortune Magazine that said this is going to be the biggest Multiplayer Online Game ever. It’s fun, but not that fun.
Underwater Adventures — Shark Attack in Minnesota
Dax Crum — I have a new favorite basketball player!
Jerry O’Connell is Tom Cruise!
January 20, 2008
Change Her World — This is a very nice video for Autism Awareness.
The Internet Party — What happens when Google’s parents leave town for the weekend!
A New Fragrance
Everyday Normal Guy Rap — Take Two
(Naughty Language Warning!)
Everyday Normal Guy Rap Song 2 – Watch more free videos
January 13, 2008
Solartunities — Shortarmguy’s newest creation. The solar revolution is just beginning!
Planets and stars — This will make you feel small!
Mars Doorway — Nasa reveals a possible doorway to a building on Mars!
Scary — A guy is hiking when suddenly he’s attacked by a wild coyote! It’s pretty freaky so don’t say you weren’t warned!
How to Taunt a Hockey Player!
HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November 4, 1926, in Amsterdam . Now there are 150 stores all over the Netherlands . HEMA also has stores in Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany . In June of this year, HEMA was sold to British investment company Lion Capital.
Take a look at HEMA’s product page. You can’t order anything and it’s in Dutch but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.
This company has a sense of humor and a great computer programmer.
January 6, 2008
Dude — That’s all that needs to be said. — This is a joint venture between Fox and NBC and features some great TV Shows and Movies in near high Def quality!
Korean Free Style Slalom Rollerblading
Miss Sheri and I saw this movie and fell in love with it. It’s based in Minnesota and it explores a young lady’s adventures with teen age pregnancy. The characters and dialog are simply phenomenal!
Song and Scenes from Juno — Anyone Else But You
Link to 2007 Favorite Links
I will put a new site on this page each week. This will be a site that either made me laugh my butt off, twisted my mind, or inspired me in some way. If I can’t find a site like this each week, the link will probably lead to a bunch of naked chicks!!