Shortarmguy and The End of Cub Scouts
February 14, 2010
It was the end of Cub Scouts this week. We had our final den meeting and the Blue and Gold Ceremony where the boys received their Arrows of Light and were invited to be Boy Scouts. We were quite proud of them!
We thought we’d do something special for our final den meeting and decided to take the boys to Triple Play Sports where they could play Unlimited Laser Tag. After 5 years of den meetings and pack meetings together, there was a lot of built up aggression towards one another so we felt this would be a good, healthy release for them to unload it.
While the boys played, our old buddy, Troy Brown, showed up to teach all of us parents what we should expect when our boys join the Boy Scouts. We learned all about “Boy-Led” meetings and activities where the boys themselves are in charge of everything and the parents need to learn to step back and allow the boys to “Create their own Paths.” It sure ought to be interesting!
On Thursday, the boys’ school had it’s annual “Doughnuts with a Cool Dude” event. Once again, the boys couldn’t find a cool dude to take so they were forced to bring their dad.
On Friday night, we had the Blue and Gold Ceremony where the boys completed Cub Scouts, earned their “Arrows of Light”, and crossed over into being Boy Scouts. As evidenced by this photo, they were just a wee bit excited about it.
After the ceremony, the boys were entertained by a magician. I think they would have been more entertained if the guy dropped everything, but he was just too good for that!
At the end of the night, the boys were asked to pose together with their Arrows of Light. It’s a real shocker that things ended up this way
I thought I was sick of all our snow, but Sunny has me beat. He loves to play in it, but convincing mom and dad to take him for walks has been just a bit challenging.
It’s amazing how just chasing a ball 15 to 20 times can make for such a happy dog. I wish I could learn how to look at life this way!!!
Quote of the Week
“It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him.”
– John Steinbeck, author
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