Shortarmguy and the Aquanaut Lessons
January 17, 2010
The boys are almost done with Cub Scouts! We had our second to last Den Meeting on Tuesday night. We decided to do something special and go to the pool at Dakota Fitness and help the boys get their Aquanaut Achievement pins. Doc Vogt actually taught the lesson and I hung out in the pool trying to assist him. Mostly, I treaded water and prayed I wouldn’t drown while the boys did their tests. I’m not a very strong swimmer.
Doc Vogt has a real knack with the kids! I especially like when one of them asks a question before the designated Question/Answer segment of the lesson. He’ll be having none of that!
On Wednesday night, the boys did a service project with their Church Group. They went and prepared meals for a group called Feed My Starving Children. It’s a great organization that sends highly nutritional meals to hungry kids all over the world for only seventeen cents a meal! Luke and Avery went and helped them out for the night. At first, I thought they were doing this just to try to be good people, but after I saw the pictures I knew better. They did it for the headwear!
On Friday, a couple of co-workers and I joined our AMD rep, Ron, at a meal at the Mediterranean Cruise Cafe in Burnsville. The food was great and the conversations were even better!
Best of all, we discovered that at noon on Fridays, they have Live Entertainment! There’s no better way to discuss business than by talking, eating, and watching a belly dancer balance a sword on her hip!!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m a sucker for a nice girl with a bucket on her head!
Back home on Sunday, Grandma Linda and Miss Sheri prepared a scrumptious meal for us to enjoy while we watched the Minnesota Vikings take on the Dallas Cowboys.
Ooohhh and what a game it was! The Minnesota Vikings struck first and they struck hard and proved themselves victorious with a 34 – 3 win over the “hottest’ team in the league! Bring on the Saints!!
It was an especially sweet victory for us Minnesota fans as we watched the game live via video chat with my sister and her family in Dallas, Texas. Needless to say, they weren’t nearly as happy about the game as we were. Grandma Linda tried to make it all better by offering to feed them some of her cranberries. She nearly ruined my monitor before I could finally convince her to understand exactly how a video chat works.
Nice Emails of the Week
Todd, I didn’t read any disclaimer on the fan belt video about whether this is something that should be attempted at home. I think I’ll go out this weekend and change all the belts in my car. Thank you for the great instructional video!
Quote of the Week
“We may encounter many defeats,
but we must not be defeated.”
— Maya Angelou, poet
Inside a Can of Whoop-Ass
Obama’s Message to the People Regarding Health Care.
OJ, I Need a Favor!
The Pretzel Hold
Diary of a Snow Shoveler
General Larry Platt: A Real American Idol
Link To Last Week’s Diary Entry
Shortarmguy and the Snow Tunnels
January 10, 2010