The Midwest has been experiencing a ton of winter weather already this year, so we thought it would be really fun to do a cross country road trip from Minnesota to Texas! We battled the Christmas Traffic leaving Minnesota, a decent blizzard leaving Des Moines, and some ice covered roads throughout Northern Missouri! We saw 12 cars in the ditches and a couple of really nasty accidents, but our prayers were answered and we safely made it to our destination. Thank God for that!

Since we were passing through town any ways, we just had to stop by to see Krazy Kory and his Krazy Family! I was a bit disappointed that I didn’t see any photos of me on the mantel above his fireplace, so we exchanged some pretty harsh words. But in the spirit of Christmas, I decided to forgive him and we parted ways amicably.

The reason we drove down to Dallas, Texas was to spend the holiday with my two sisters who live there. We were also lucky enough to be joined by my cousin Terri and her two girls for Christmas Dinner. As is our Tradition, I drank too much alcohol and started picking fights with my relatives until I passed out on the couch. As the saying goes, Tis’ the season to be jolly!

Texas is quite a bit different than Minnesota around Christmas Time. Although they didn’t have any snow to enjoy, the warmer weather allows people to get much more elaborate with the displays around their houses. This family had an incredible light show set to music and the nice couple who live there dress up like Santa and Mrs. Claus and perform a neat skit for the neighborhood. The crowd in front of their home was huge!!! In the Spirit of Christmas, I asked them if they had a permit to draw these kinds of crowds and told them they better watch it or they’re going to get in a lot of trouble if they don’t knock it off. I’m sure they appreciated my advice.

On the Friday after Christmas, we rolled out of bed early to go shopping and take advantage of the post Christmas deals. Uncle Dave was in such a hurry to get at those Christmas bargains, he didn’t even take off his robe. It was a little embarrassing to be around him, but I just kept thinking…”What do I care? I don’t live here…..”

Honestly, we can’t take this guy any where!

My family takes way too many pictures whenever we get together which makes choosing the best ones for my website quite a difficult task. It doesn’t help that we all tend to be a bit egotistical and just like to perform for the camera.

My Niece, Bailey, was recently named Employee of the Month as well as Rookie of the Year at Culvers. So naturally, we brought the family in to the restaurant to raise a little Hell and see if we could put some black marks on her reputation there. She’s been getting just a bit too cocky about her achievements!

We stopped and did a little bit of bowling. Luke wasn’t real happy with the way he left these pins standing, so I let him walk down the alley and kick them over with his feet. Hey, it’s Christmas.

My mom and sisters like to get their pictures taken with me. They said it’s because I make them look good, but I’m not sure if it was meant to be a compliment.

One of the highlights of the trip was going to see the Hot, Hot Band, The Space Rockers! These guys are super heroes from outer space and man, do they rock! We danced and danced until the wee hours of the morning until someone reminded us that we had children at home. I asked the Super Heroes if they could fly home and check on them quick, but for some reason that wasn’t possible.

After the dancing, we snuck in to see ICE at the Gaylord Texan Hotel. It was a pretty COOL show! We tried to go in and see it without jackets, but they told us it was only 9 degrees inside. We figured we Minnesotans could probably handle that temperature better than those thin skinned Texans, but succumbed to the pressure and wore some of the fancy blue coats they provided us.
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas and wish you all the best for 2009!!
Link to more photos from our Dallas 2008 Christmas Trip
Click on the Pictures to View!
Nice Emails of the Week
Just Feeling Deeply Inspired
Hi! First of all, I must apologize in advanced if I make any grammatical mistake typing this e-mail.
I´m from Argentina I’m 28 years old.. and I was waking up (late) on this Xmas days and I turned on the tv and I saw you on “Miami Inc”. I felt really, truly inspired by your life’s story that I had to go to your web and send you this e-mail.
Yesterday, it wasn’t a good day for me. I live far away from my family (almost 1000 kms…I dont know how much is that in miles) and I couldn’t travel because I have to work, even though I had my husband (and his lovely family) here with me, is not the same. And I didn’t feel the Xmas spirit…’til just now…I am surfing your web page and I suddenly realized that as you said “Life is short..so eat dessert first” (I loved that phrase!!). I will keep looking at your page but first I have to catch up with everything that is there already so…it might take me a while but is very enjoyable.
I dont have anything particular to say to you, I just feel the need to admire you and let you know about it.
Now I have to go to my in law’s house and keep eating hahaha!
Best whishes to you and your lovely family!
Click on the Pictures to View!
Insanity on Wheels
Attack of the Dolphins
Tits for Tots
Email Shortarmguy at Shortarmguy@aol.com
Obama’s New Dog

Bad News from the North Pole

I love winter…

A Tree Hugger

I can do this…

The Santa Stool

Click Here for the Shortarmguy.com Christmas Funnies Page
Quote of the Week
“Keep your fears to yourself, but share your inspiration with others.”
— Robert Louis Stevenson, writer
Joke of the Week
A blonde is showing off her new tattoo of a giant seashell on her inner thigh.
Her friends ask her why she would get such a tattoo and in that location.
She responds ‘It’s really cool. If you put your ear up against it, you can smell the ocean.’
Shortarmguy’s Favorite Websites
December 28, 2008
Gymkhana — This looks like fun!
Sock it to the Holidays
Santa Claus Bailout Hearings
Shortarmguy’s Emails To Make You Think
Email Shortarmguy at Shortarmguy@aol.com
December 28, 2008
This guy ran over a mattress and decided to keep going. The ensuing
jumble finally whipped around enough to put a tear in the gas tank, the
subsequent lack of fuel is what finally brought this vehicle to its
It had still managed to drive 30 miles decently with a 60lb tangle
wrapped around the driveshaft.
This genius complained that the vehicle had a “shimmy” when driving it
high speeds.
This is what the dealership found…………..